Presentations For Adults

FPAN can help facilitate speakers for meetings of your civic group, community organization, youth club, or heritage society, and for lecture series and special events.

Most presentations last about 30-45 minutes with additional time for questions, although programs usually can be tailored for your needs. Specific topics are dependent on speaker availability, so book early! Below are some of the standard talks we give in the region but we are often able to custom make a talk based on your interest. There is no charge for presentations, although donations are gratefully accepted to support FPAN educational programs.

Fill out the “Request A Speaker” form at the top of this page to submit your program request!

Prehistoric Snowbirds

This discussion offers an overview of the entire history of humans in Southwest Florida until the Spanish arrived in the 1500s.

Archaeology of the Cold War in South Florida

In this presentation, we will explore the top secret sites associated with the Cold War located throughout south Florida.

Weeds and Seeds: A History of Dining in Southern Florida

Cattle, citrus, and many other common foods today were brought to Florida by the Spanish, so what were people eating before then?

History and Prehistory of the New River

The New River is an important landmark in the history and prehistory of the Fort Lauderdale area. In this talk, we will explore the ways that the river shaped the lives of its caretakers for over 2000 years.

Archaeology Works: Art for Scientists

Does art have a place in modern science? Why would an archaeologist want to work with an artist? Can artists use science to represent the world around them, or bring the past back to life?

Who Made the Everglades?

This talk will explore the geological and cultural history of the Everglades. In particular, we will look at the role of early Native Americans and initial tree island formations.

What the Heck is Archaeology

Join us for a quick and dirty introduction into archaeology!

Hidden History of the Dry Tortugas: Writings on the Walls

Fort Jefferson is one of the most extensive and ambitious permanent coastal fortifications ever constructed by the United States Army during the 19th century and many details of its construction and military history are well-documented.

Florida’s Ice Age

Learn about how Florida’s first people survived and thrived in this environment by counting on a paleo-diet (before it was all the rage).